January 2020


Today my sister and I emptied out our childhood house.  So much of my family's past all tangled up in spider webs and dust.  Because our mother saved everything.

Three piles of 60 years.  Keep, Donate, Trash.

All her angels were here and there and everywhere.  She loved angels.  There are so, so, so many.  Keep some.  Donate some.  None for the trash pile.

Old cookware.  Really old.  Mismatched dishes and glasses.  Keep some.  Donate some.  Trash some.

I wish that!

I wish:

That every child would have a home with loving parents

That every dog would have a home with someone who spoils them - cats too

That this whole wide world would be peaceful and calm  

And that it would last

That there was no such thing as cellulite

That all sweets were a doctor recommended part of  your diet 

That wine had zero calories

That 70's music was the only music ever made

That cell phone were only for calling people

That Fords were still made like they were in the 60's