Fall in Destin

Every Fall, I look forward to the Mattie Kelly Festival of the Arts.  It's one of my favorite shows and Destin is one of my very favorite places.  This year, I was happy that things were getting back to normal.  Shows were happening, people were getting out, my broken arm was healed, and then...

I face planted right in front of the registration table after tripping over a ginormous tent stake.  I landed on my left knee and my right palm right in front of the welcoming committee.  I was terrified I'd broken something but thankfully, my bones remained whole.  I thank God for that as well as the Calcium supplements I take daily now.  I did not cuss and I did not cry but I did limp and moan for the rest of the day.  Set-up was a challenge but we got it done and later that night, a long hot shower and tall glass of wine got me right again.

Imagine my surprise the next evening after a wonderful sales day, when my name was called for an award of Merit!  This honor came with a gorgeous ribbon and a nice check and I rose very carefully from my chair to collect them.

I've done this show a long time and never thought I'd win an award here.  Maybe they gave it to me to keep me sweet after my little spill over their ill placed tent stake?  Nah, I don't think so.  But even if that were true, then I'd just say...


Thank you Destin for the best one yet.