I Know

I know I like seeing Found Dog posts a lot more than seeing Lost Dog posts

I know I like Thursdays more than Tuesdays

I know I spend too much time worrying than I should

I know I have more than I need

I know I want more than I have

I know I love my people

I know they love me


What I don't know is more than I do


I don't know if I should cut my hair

I don't know when I should retire

I don't know why my leg hurts so much lately

I don't know what i'd do without my faith

I don't know when to shut my mouth at times

I don't know why I can't let go of certain things

I don't know what I have against using spoons for anything other than soup

I don't know why I fall asleep before I say amen

I don't know ... 

... or may I do

I do know I am flawed

I do know I am loved

I do know it's okay to not know

I do know the sun will rise

I do know

I do...