Please Stars, Align Already!

My head hurts.  I haven't had much time for sleep lately.  All I do it seems is work at my "real job" and work at home in my studio. Sleep in broken patterns, eat unbalanced meals, hurry up to slow down and do it all again the next day.  The past few days in particular, I've been in the middle of a perfect storm.  The exact opposite of when stars align.  

This week, I forgot to do laundry.  Didn't even dawn on me.  

I found a thank you note in the bottom of my purse I'd written to a friend who sent me birthday flowers.  Last month.  (Note to self: MAIL IT.  DO IT NOW.)

The DVR is running out of space.  I'm beginning to think I'll never learn who shot J.R.  

I haven't watched a live broadcast of the local 6:00 News in weeks.

There's an unopened box of Italian glass that was delivered a day or two ago.  I usually drool over fresh glass.  Can't wait to unwrap it, caress it and make it mine.  This poor glass sits still in a dark cardboard prison, longing to see the sun and feel the heat of the flame as it melts and wraps itself around a red, hot mandrel.  Sadly, it'll be incarcerated a few more days with a slim chance of parole this coming Sunday.

See that necklace in the picture up there? I smuggled the makings of it into my building before daylight this morning, strung it up, then photographed it right there in the lobby where they keep me.  In fact, I strung up a whole bunch of beads!  As tempted as I was, I refrained from asking two attorneys and a paralegal to help me put it all together.

Among my work this morning were four Mermaids.  I was not inspired to give them names until I got the bright idea to name them all after children of co-workers who are just around the corner and down the hall from me.  They range in age from almost 24 hours old to 2 years, 8 months.  The children, not the mermaids.  The mermaids were born last weekend.  The newborn Princess was birthed about 5:00 pm yesterday.  After they got ready for their close ups, (the mermaids, not the babies) I snapped their pictures and posted them in the Pendants Gallery.  Go take a look!  After you finish reading this, of course.

I keep reminding myself that I signed up for this chaos when I decided to do shows.  As Mr. MoonDog says, you can't sell from an empty cart.  I just don't remember asking for such an enormous cart! Sometimes it's overwhelming trying to keep it stocked.  But I'll just put more air in the tires and keep on rolling.

Tonight, I'm going to take a minute to sit outside and look up at the stars.  I'll check my to-do list to make sure I'm still chipping away at it.  Oh, before I forget, I need to add one thing:  DO LAUNDRY…

In humor, life