Sign Here, Here and Here

My dear friend Lourdes is the most thoughtful and generous person I know.  My closet is full of clothes she's given me as Christmas and Birthday gifts.  She knows my taste and she never misses.

This year, in addition to two gorgeous tops, she had a sign made for me to hang in my studio.  I absolutely LOVE it!  It's perfect, just like her. 

Years ago when I was MoonDog Mosaics, she used the logo I designed and had another sign made for me. I proudly displayed it in my booth during shows until I stopped making mosaics and changed my name to MoonDog Art Glass.  

I needed something large and lightweight enough to hang over the breaker box in my studio so it hangs there now, hiding that ugly gray box.

Then there's this sign that Mr. MoonDog got for me after an article about my work appeared in our local paper earlier this month.

There's another sign under a magnet on my ventilation hood reminding me of all the beads I need to make for a big order. It's not due for a few days.  I'm just gonna pretend I don't see that one...