
Please Stars, Align Already!

Long Roads and Lullabies

Here I am again, home again, home again.  My first home.  Not the one that envelops me now in the "big city" with my husband and kids.  The one nestled in the "big woods".  The one that was my first.  Where I spent almost 18 years of my life waiting to have the life I have now, I suppose.

Daphne, You Have Never Been So Hot



T&A and a Great Big N

I woke up at 4:00 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep.  After a short trip to the bathroom, I crawled back in between my Pure Beech 100% Modal sheets, being careful not to lay on the hip that was punishing me for being old and not turning over earlier. 

When I was younger, I could sleep fourteen hours on one side without anything aching or having to get up to tinkle even once.  And that was before I could afford good, comfortable sheets! 

Middle of Nowhere Without My Bust

This weekend finds me deep in the Apalachicola National Forest taking care of my mother who has Alzheimer's.  This is where I grew up, or tried to anyway.  When I say deep in the woods, I mean DEEP as in no cell phone service, no stores, no close neighbors.  Last year, we finally got internet here via satellite.  When I'm here, I am one hour away from my husband, my kids, my fur children and my beloved torch.  I'm not sure who or what I miss the most, but usually, fur and fire take the lead, LOL.  

No, Lulu. Try again.

Well it turns out my silk covered lampshade idea was just plain stupid and I really needed another option to display and photograph my jewels, so I told my Mama to put on her Sketchers and grab her cane because we were going exploring!  My butt was long tired from sitting in an uncomfortable chair at her kitchen table where I'd set up my beading station.  I needed a break and she needed to do something to tire herself out so she'd sleep all night without waking me up  exercise, so off we went into the vast wilderness that is her yard.

Any Way the Wind Blows

On the very first day of September 2016, a mean, nasty girl came into my town uninvited and unleashed her unholy fury upon us.   She stole our electricity, stripped away our internet connections, ripped our trees from the ground and spit them back out at us.  She shut us down.  She made us tense.  She closed our schools and our businesses.  She was a Category One Be-otch with a really stupid name.  Hurricane Hermine.  Yep, she was mean alright.

On a mission



These are from my last batch.  I'm trying to come up with a new design and I may have with the big black flower.  The coordinating beads may be too much for it as a complete set so I might just use one on either side.  Sometimes simple is better.  And not nearly as much work...



Fire in the hole


Day two of navigating

So this website thing is getting a little easier.  Well maybe not a little, more like a tiny bit.  You know, like the size of an atom.  But I'll get there...

This weekend will find me in the studio making Sea Theme beads, Florals and Hollows.  Maybe I'll find a way to post pictures of them on here.  And I'll just go ahead right now and change that sizing from that of an atom to a mustard seed.  Because I really do have faith that I can do this thing! 

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